Investor memerlukan analisis kelayakan bisnis untuk mengetahui secara tepat manfaat ekonomis suatu investasi atau untuk memastikan tingkat pengembalian yang sesuai dengan besarnya modal yang dikeluarkan serta risiko yang dihadapi–baik risiko internal seperti kesalahan dalam perencanaan, memperkirakan permintaan, dan memperkirakan kebutuhan tenaga kerja, maupun risiko eksternal seperti perubah…
Buku ini berisi langkah-langkah utama dalam mewujudkan hidup yang berkualitas menuju performa puncak. yang disusun dengan gaya bahasa yang enak dibaca. mudah dipahami. dan terstruktur rapi. Membaca buku ini berarti Anda sedang menelusuri dan menggali prinsip prinsip universal tentang kesuksesan. performa puncak. dan kualitas hidup yang berlaku sepanjang masa. Buku ini akan mengajarkan Anda bahw…
Buku ini tentang Black Swan: peristiwa acak yang mendasari hidup kita, dari munculnya buku-buku bestseller hingga bencana dunia. Dampak peristiwa-peristiwa tersebut amat besar; nyaris mustahil dapat diprediksi; namun setelah terjadi, kita selalu berusaha untuk merasionalisasinya. Salah satu contoh terkini tentang Black Swan adalah kejatuhan pasar saham dunia pada tahun 2008-sesuatu yang telah d…
Book of Meditations and Thoughts for the Day by James Allen: Immerse yourself in a daily practice of mindfulness and introspection with Book of Meditations and Thoughts for the Day authored by the wise philosopher James Allen. Through a collection of meditative reflections, Allen guides readers on a year-long journey of self-discovery, providing guidance and inspiration for every day of the yea…
Buku ini berisikan pedoman praktis yang bersumber dari pengalaman kerja para tim audit, baik yang berada di dalam perusahaan induk maupun anak perusahaan. Buku ini akan menunjang kinerja tim audit, memastikan bahwa pekerjaannya sesuai dengan standar profesional, membuat standar bagi Internal Audit Department, serta sumber informasi dan pegangan bagi staf audit dalam menghadapi beberapa masalah …
Bagian satu buku ini berbicara tentang "platform daya saing" yang berkaitan dengan aspek penguasaan , kreativitas, dan inovasi yang diperlukan menjawab tantangan sistem ekonomi baru. Era baru ini bukan saja dicirikan oleh kompetisi global yang kian ketat, tetapi juga oleh kemunculan komunitas masyarakat yang terhubung erat dengan kegiatan saintifik, teknikal, dan bisnis profesional (knowledge-b…
Wind in the Willows, Kenneth Grahame's classic tale of fantasy has attracted a growing audience in each generation. Rat, Mole, Badger and the preposterous Mr Toad (with his 'Poop-poop-poop' road-hogging new motor car), have brought delight to many through the years with their odd adventures on and by the river, and at the imposing residence of Toad Hall.
Black Beauty is a perennial children's favourite, one which has never been out of print since its publication in 1877. It is a moralistic tale of the life of the horse related in the form of an autobiography, describing the world through the eyes of the creature. In taking this anthropomorphic approach, the author Anna Sewell broke new literary ground and her effective storytelling ability make…
WINNER OF THE 2002 BOOKER PRIZE After the tragic sinking of a cargo ship, one solitary lifeboat remains bobbing on the wild, blue Pacific. The crew of the surviving vessel consists of a hyena, a zebra (with a broken leg), a female orang-utan, a 450-pound Royal Bengal tiger and Pi -- a 16-year-old Indian boy. The scene is set for one of the most extraordinary pieces of literary fiction of recent…
Upper East Side blueblood Anna Percy came to L.A. to learn how to have a good time. Then Princeton prince Ben Birnbaum and his amazing disappearing act turned out to be anything but. Anna finally begins to understand that telling true love from true lust us is far more easily said than done.
At age twelve, Cassandra Madden fell in love with Jefferson Ames, a young man she met at one of her mother's business conferences. Over the years, during periods of loneliness and struggle, Cassie held on to this unrequited love in order to cope with her isolated heart and the pain of a cold mother. Even when Cassie grew up, went off to college, and met a man she thought she'd marry, her heart …
Its inscrutable smile promised many things to many men - but for 700 years none had dared to take the ultimat prize... until now."The Solid Gold Buddha"A plane crash, a near fatal disease - and everything that Bernard Miller cares for in his life is suddenly destroyed. £5 million in gold would solve a lot of problems. Except when it had to be lifted from underneath the noses of the Thai police…
The Merchant of Venice is a play by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written between 1596 and 1598. A merchant in Venice named Antonio defaults on a large loan taken out on behalf of his dear friend, Bassanio, and provided by a Jewish moneylender, Shylock, with seemingly inevitable fatal consequences. Although classified as a comedy in the First Folio and sharing certain aspects wi…
Macmillan's "Stories to Remember" series introduces new readers to famous stories whose quality and entertainment value have stood the test of time. The books are abridged and simplified, but as much as possible of the author's original style and storyline have been retained. They are suitable for non-native speakers of English from lower intermediate level upwards, as well as providing an easy…
London of the 1880s: The Forsyte family is gathered - gloves, waistcoats, feathers and frocks - to celebrate the engagement of young June Forstye to an architect, Philip Bosinney. The family are intrigued but wary of this stranger in their midst, who they nickname 'the Buccaneer'. Amongst those present are Soames Forsyte and his beautiful wife Irene - his most prized possession. With that meeti…
Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. Tom Sawyer, a shrewd and adventurous boy, is as much at home in the respectable world of his Aunt Polly as in the self-reliant and parentless world of his friend Huck Finn. The two enjoy a series of adventures, accidentally witnessing a murder, establishing the innocence of the man wrongly accused, as well as being hunted by Injun Joe, the true murde…
Harry Blenheim wasnâ€t what you might call a good-looking fellow, but his face was full of character, with the kindest eyes God ever made. Thatâ€s what his wife Esther had said, back in the days when theyâ€d loved and laughed together. Now, it was five years since they had even kissed goodnight.Still, everyone in Fellburn respected Harry, even if there was no love lost between him and …