Heidi is the heart-warming tale of a small girl's power for good, and it has remained a firm favourite since it was published over 100 years ago. It tells of the orphan Heidi and her idyllic existence with her gruff grandfather in the mountains. When she is sent to live in a city, comic chaos ensues, and eventually it is arranged that Heidi should return to the mountains. Together she and her f…
The story is set in medieval England, in a time when King Richard is imprisoned aboard and Norman noblemen are surpressingthe saxons. Ivanhoe, the Disinherited Knight, returns to England from the Holy Land to win his love, the beautiful Lady Rowena,and fight for justice for the saxon peaple. He is helped by an old Jew,Isaac of York, and his daughter,Rebecca, but the evil.
Marie: A True Story is about Marie Ragghianti, the woman who blew the whistle on the corrupt Tennessee government in the 1970s. Peter Maas was famous for his book on Frank Serpico, a whistleblower in the New York City Police Department. He also wrote other fine books about crime. But my favorite is Marie: A True Story.
Buku ini bermaksud untuk menyajikan suatu perencanaan pemasaran yang dapat diaplikasikan segera ke dalam suatu bisnis, berisi tentang teori penunjang dan contoh-contoh konkret yang pernah dikerjakan dan dilakukan penulis sebagai marketer selama kurang lebih 20 tahun berkecimpung di dunia kerja dan bisnis. Diharapkan buku ini akan memberikan pengetahuan praktis tentang pemasaran dan promosi d…
Buku ini berisi kisah-kisah menakjubkan tentang hewan peliharaan. Setiap halaman mencerminkan hubungan penuh kasih sayang yang unik antara binatang dan manusia.
Fashion Fantasy Camp! Nggak ada yang lebih keren daripada ini. Dua minggu pada musim panas dihabiskan untuk proyek fesyen! Aku dan Evie terbang ke L.A. demi mencurahkan bakat fesyen kami yang, ehem, tentu saja luar biasa. Lalu, tanpa terduga, sesuatu yang spektakuler terjadi. Aku ditemukan oleh orang yang sangat pentingtunggu sampai kamu tahu sendiri. Apa ini saatnya aku menjadi selebritas? …
The author of ‘Future Shock’ describes in detail the new civilisation that is being created all around us – its life-styles, sexual attitudes and work roles, the new social, economic and political structures. From this penetrating analysis, Alvin Toffler points the way we can adapt to the new world and the startling, yet fulfilling, way of life it offers.
For nineteen-year-old Edmond Dantes, life is sweet. Soon to be captain of his own sip, he is also about to be married to his true love, Mercedes. But suddenly everything turns sour. On the joyous day of his wedding he is arrested and--without a fair trial--condemned to solitary confinement in the miserable Chateau d'If! The charges? Faked! Edmond has been framed by a handful of powerful enemies…
Serial killer Warren Hoyt was captured a year ago but his crimes still haunt Boston homicide detective Jane Rizzoli. Now she faces a new killer, a hunter who preys on rich couples and copies an obscure element of Hoyt's crimes. And when Hoyt escapes from custody there are two hunters on the loose.
Spans Carlos Marcello's criminal career from his Sicilian youth to his involvement in the New Orleans Mafia and reign over a criminal empire, and points to his culpability in President Kennedy's assassination
Our Mutual Friend, Charles Dickens' last complete novel, gives one of his most comprehensive and penetrating accounts of Victorian society. Its vision of a culture stifled by materialistic values emerges not just through its central narratives, but through its apparently incidental characters and scenes. The chief of its several plots centres on John Harmon who returns to England as his father'…
Di antara kilauan cahaya api yang membakar habis restoran piza keluarganya, Reena Hale menemukan pesona api. Pada usia sebelas tahun, Reena memutuskan untuk mempelajari api. Menemukan alasan di balik api yang disulut dengan sengaja dan memastikan seseorang dihukum. Ia pun belajar, berlatih, dan bekerja keras untuk mendapatkan lencana polisi yang diimpikannya. Sayangnya, kisah cinta Reena tidakl…
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. Introduction and Notes by Dr Adrienne Gavin, Canterbury Christ Church University College Illustrations by Hablot K. Browne (Phiz) Dickens wrote of David Copperfield: 'Of all my books I like this the best'. Millions of readers in almost every language on earth have subsequently come to share the author's own enthusiasm for this greatly loved classic, possibl…
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Immortals, Alyson Noël, comes Fated―a breathtaking new saga brimming with magic, mystery, and an intoxicating love story that will steal your heart away. Meet The Soul Seekers. Strange things are happening to Daire Santos. Crows mock her, glowing people stalk her, time stops without warning, and a beautiful boy with unearthly blue eyes …
Hanya dalam 21 hari buku ini memandu Anda melewati informasi menarik tentang VB.NET, versi terbaru dari bahasa pemrograman terpopuler di dunia. Buku ini juga memperkenalkan elemen-lemen kunci .NET framework yang Anda perlukan untuk memulai pemrograman saat ini juga, sementara mempersiapkan Anda untuk terus mempelajari lingkungan baru ini. Semua source code contoh pada buku ini bisa didownload d…
John P. Kotter, the world's foremost authority on leadership and change, examines the efforts of more than 100 companies to remake themselves into better competitors. He identifies the most common mistakes leaders and managers make in attempting to create change and offers an eight-step process to overcome the obstacles and carry out the firm's agenda: establishing a greater sense of urgency, c…
"Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion." Jack Welch, former CEO, GE The Innovative Leader stresses the importance of innovation and creativity in modern business to help organizations secure competitive advantage over rivals. It shows how to apply the methods described to the individual, to others an…