John P. Kotter, the world's foremost authority on leadership and change, examines the efforts of more than 100 companies to remake themselves into better competitors. He identifies the most common mistakes leaders and managers make in attempting to create change and offers an eight-step process to overcome the obstacles and carry out the firm's agenda: establishing a greater sense of urgency, c…
"Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion." Jack Welch, former CEO, GE The Innovative Leader stresses the importance of innovation and creativity in modern business to help organizations secure competitive advantage over rivals. It shows how to apply the methods described to the individual, to others an…
Drama Techniques Third edition is a resource book of communicative activities for language teachers. This completely revised edition of the classic title Drama Techniques provides: *150 ideas for interesting and productive fluency practice *a large selection of drama-based techniques which focus learners' attention on communicative tasks or activities *techniques suitable for all levels *clear …
The volume offers an explanatory account of the progress of academic language proficiency testing in the UK (and later Australia), from the British Council's English Proficiency Test Battery (EPTB), through the revolutionary English Language Testing Service (ELTS) to the present solution of IELTS. The three stages of academic language testing in the UK over the last 50 years move from grammar t…
The wireless communications industry is growing rapidly. Newcomers and oldtimers alike need help to catch up, and they will find it in this book: answers to the most frequently asked questions; new technologies and nomenclatures covered in detail; quick answers to key, specific questions; all of wireless, including RF and network issues. The tabbed interior design for easy lookup makes this the…
Futures, Options and Swaps is the American Institute of Management Research's recommended text for students preparing for the Chartered Financial Analyst exam. It is an ideal text for students in finance or economics/finance programs who have completed one semester of investments at either the undergraduate or post-graduate level.
Kecerdasan Tiruan (Artificial Intelligence/AI) merupakan bagian tengah atau inti dari ilmu komputer (Computer Science) dan merupakan salah satu ilmu dasar dari ilmu komputer yang harus dipahami, bila kita ingin membuat perangkat lunak dengan Artificial Intelligence atau penerapan konsep Artificial Intelligence dalam memecahkan persoalan yang ada di dunia ini, sehingga keberadaannya mutlak harus…
Sumber daya manusia merupakan aset utama pembangunan. Dalam suatu organisasi atau institusi, sumber daya manusia itu adalah tenaga kerja/karyawan. Pengembangan karyawan sebagai sumber daya manusia adalah upaya merencanakan, meningkatkan kemampuan, dan mengelolanya sehingga berproduktivitas tinggi. Apa dan bagaimana? Simak dalam buku ini. Dapat digunakan oleh pimpinan organisasi/perusahaan dan m…
Appropriate for all courses in Decision Support Systems (DSS), computerized decision making tools, and management support systems. Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems 8e provides the only comprehensive, up-to-date guide to today's revolutionary management support system technologies, and showcases how they can be used for better decision-making. This completely revised and re-…
The Azar Grammar Series offers concise, level-appropriate grammar presentation with a variety of written exercises and communicative classroom activities. Included are both student-centred pair and group work.
A Social History of English is the first history of the English language to utilize the techniques, insights and concerns of sociolinguistics. Written in a non-technical way, it takes into account standardization, pidginization, bi- and multilingualism, the issues of language maintenance and language loyalty, and linguistic variation. This new edition has been fully revised. Additions include:…
This pocket-sized alphabetic guide introduces popular terms used in the study of language and society. A central topic within modern linguistics, sociolinguistics deals with human communication and the use of language in its social context. Clearly written by a leading authority in the field, this glossary provides full coverage of both traditional and contemporary terminology, including the re…
The Handbook of Bilingualism provides state–of–the–art treatments of the central issues that arise in consideration of the phenomena of bilingualism ranging from the representation of the two languages in the bilingual individual′s brain to the various forms of bilingual education, including the status of bilingualism in each area of the world. Provides state–of–the–art coverage o…
Compiled under the sponsorship of the China National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (NOTCFL) and in consultation with the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) Guidelines, the New Practical Chinese Reader (NPCR) series is designed to help native English speakers easily learn Chinese. Based on the time-tested Practical Chinese Reader (PCR), the revised and updated NPCR combines the g…
It's a great achievement in American lexicography, providing a generous, comperehensive, and suprisingly durable listing of current American language. The familiarly readable clear type and single alphabetical listing that includes biographical, geographical, proper name, and abbreviation entries accompanies a sober and solidly thorough listing of virtually every word you would want to know in …