Disadari sepenuhnya bahwa Buku/Literatur mutlak diperlukan dalam proses belajar mengajar sebagai acuan/pedoman, baik bagi Dosen maupun Mahasiswanya. Buku Administrasi Bank sangat diperlukan di Perguruan Tinggi pada Fakultas Ekonomi khususnya Program Studi Perbankan, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi, Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK), dan para praktisi bank. Buku Administrasi Bank ini ditulis berdasark…
Perkembangan Teknik informatika dan ilmu komputer yang pesat beberapa dasawarsa terakhir membawa dampak makin diperlukanya pembidangan secara lebih khusus pada teknik informatika dan ilmu komputer. ...
Photoshop sebagai software manipulasi gambar atau foto dapat menghasilkan sebuah karya yang memiliki nilai artistik yang luar biasa yang dapat di|akukan semua orang. Karena semua kebutuhan untuk menciptakan gambar, foto ataupun desain terbaik dengan kualitas tiada tanding tersedia dalam photoshop. Dan photoshop selalu melakukan terobosan-terobosan untuk memberikan fitur-fitur terbaru dan tercan…
Resolving Moral Issues in Business. The ethical landscape of business is constantly changing, and the new edition of Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases has been revised to keep pace with those changes most effecting business: accelerating globalization, constant technological updates, proliferating of business scandals. Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases introduces the reader to the ethical c…
Business Driven Information Systems (also known as BDIS) discusses business initiatives first and then how technology supports those initiatives. The premise for this unique approach is that business initiatives drive technology decisions in a corporation. Every discussion first addresses the business needs and then addresses the technology that supports those needs. This text provides the foun…
A champion manager of people, Jack Welch shares the hard-earned wisdom of a storied career in what will become the ultimate business bible With Winning, Jack Welch delivers a wide-ranging, in-depth, no-holds-barred management guidebook about the tough strategic, organizational, and personal challenges that face people at every stage of their careers. Loaded with candid personal anecdotes, ha…
Bloomberg Television's Sara Eisen sheds light on the complex global financial system through this illuminating collection of essays. She hand selected the crème de la crème of authors from the world's most prestigious academic institutions and esteemed professional organizations to share―for the first time in print―their observations and deductions on the topics that matter most to you an…
Why, years after the banking crisis, is the global economy still mired in recession and burdened by enormous debts? Why have the tried-and-tested economic policies of the past failed us this time? In Life After Growth, leading City analyst Tim Morgan sets out a ground-breaking analysis of how the economy really works. Economists are mistaken, he argues, when they limit their interpretation of t…
A classic since its publication in 1954, The Practice of Management was the first book to look at management as a whole and being a manager as a separate responsibility. The Practice of Management created the discipline of modern management practices. Readable, fundamental, and basic, it remains an essential book for students, aspiring managers, and seasoned professionals.
A New York Times bestseller "Brilliant, funny…the best math teacher you never had." ―San Francisco Chronicle Once considered tedious, the field of statistics is rapidly evolving into a discipline Hal Varian, chief economist at Google, has actually called "sexy." From batting averages and political polls to game shows and medical research, the real-world application of statistics conti…