As more firms move outside the domestic borders into the dynamic world of international business the globalisation of world markets appears to be gaining momentum. This globalisation of business is forcing managers to grapple with complex issues as they seek to gain or sustain a competitive advantage. Faced with unprecedented levels of foreign competition at home and abroad firms are beginning …
In this definitive and revealing history, Henry Mintzberg, the iconoclastic former president of the Strategic Management Society, unmasks the press that has mesmerized so many organizations since 1965: strategic planning. One of our most brilliant and original management thinkers, Mintzberg concludes that the term is an oxymoron -- that strategy cannot be planned because planning is about analy…
What keeps great companies winning, year after year, even as yesterday's most hyped businesses fall by the wayside? It's not what you think -- or what you've read. To find the real answers, strategic management expert Alfred Marcus systematically reviewed detailed performance metrics for the 1,000 largest U.S. corporations, identifying 3% who've consistently outperform their industry's averages…
This up-to-date quick reference guides the reader through the most popular SAP module. It includes material on SAP ERP Financials, SAP FICO, and SAP R/3. Unlike most books that only provide questions and answers for certification or interview preparation, this book covers fifty common business situations related to ERP Financials/FICO and provides practical solutions for them. In addition, the …
The Third Edition of Jack Marchewka’s Information Technology Project Management focuses on how to create Measurable Organizational Value (MOV) through IT projects. The author uses the concept of MOV, combined with his own research, to create a solid foundation for making decisions throughout the project’s lifecycle. The book’s integration of project management and IT concepts provides stu…
Peran Internal Audit dalam organisasi bisnis memang selalu dianggap penting, tetapi dalam praktiknya belum tentu benar-benar dianggap penting. Sudah cukup banyak buku tentang Internal Audit, lantas apa lagi yang mau ditawarkan oleh buku ini? Jawabnya singkat: Buku ini merupakan salah satu karya tulis buah pikiran orisinal para praktisi Internal Audit, bukan literatur audit yang ditulis oleh kal…
This text brings to readers the cutting edge of technology, in a introductory framework that stresses the most current and common business applications of that technology. As always, coverage of technological advances has been added and all examples have been updated to make this book as current and relevant as possible.
A practical, managerial-oriented approach that shows how IT is used in organizations to improve quality and productivity Case studies highlight new technology and applications, including fuzzy logic, neural computing, and hypermedia Contains a variety of cases that emphasize problems many corporations encounter Features international cases, illustrating how IT can be adapted to other cultures
Reflecting―and integrating―the authors' extensive experiences as academicians, consultants, and practioners, this is the first college textbook entirely dedicated to Electronic Commerce (EC). A comprehensive overview and sourcebook of EC from an unbiased point of view, it describes what EC is explains how it is being conducted and managed, and explores its major opportunities, limitations, …
Management of Information Technology, Fourth Edition, is a comprehensive survey of the fundamental principles and practices necessary for managers to succeed in modern information-centric organizations. IT departments in today's Web-based e-business world are in transition, moving from self-sufficiency toward managed dependencies in order to support aggressive and cost-effective e-commerce stra…
Leaky faucets and cracked pavement aren't the only demands on a facility manager's time and energy. These days, they also need top-notch financial skills--to sell their department to senior management, to win funds for crucial projects, to become fully integrated into the organization. Sadly, most facility managers lack even fundamental financial skills. The Facility Manager's Guide to Finance…
Buku ini memberikan panduan mudah menangani komplain. Memahami alasan komplain, akan memudahkan Anda memilih cara tepat menanganinya. Mengenali tipe customer dan cara mereka mengajukan komplain juga membuat Anda lebih siap secara mental dalam menanganinya. Dengan demikian, Anda punya kesempatan untuk mengubah complaint menjadi compliment.
This is the international edition. I used international editions all through college and never had any problems. The major difference is usually a different kind of paper is used, the isbn is different, and they use a different cover.
Buku ini adalah karya seorang entrepreneur dan pemimpin yang gigih dan cerdas serta telah teruji, mampu melihat dan memanfaatkan kesempatan secara sigap. Konsep pemikiran dan pengalamannya menjadi satu dalam buku ini. Buku ini sangat pantas dan layak untuk dijadikan referensi bagi sekolah maupun perguruan tinggi yang mengembangkan mengenai entrepreneurship. - Dr.(HC) Ir. Ciputra, Entrepreneur d…
Materi yang dibahas dalam buku ini : Bab 1 Pendahuluan Bab 2 Konsep etika bisnis Bab 3 Konsep etika bisnis Islam Bab 4 Analisis perbandingan praktik etika bisnis muslim banjar dan etnik cina di Banjarmasin Bab 5 Konsep etika bisnis cina Bab 6 Analisis perbandingan praktik etika bisnis muslim banjar dan etnik Cina di Banjarmasin
While it may seem like some folks are born with a commanding presence that draws people in, the fact is anyone can learn to communicate in ways that consistently build powerful connections. Bestselling author and leadership expert John C. Maxwell offers advice for effective communication to those who continually run into obstacles when it comes to personal success. In Everyone Communicates, …
Buku ini tentang semua hal kecuali penjualan itu sendiri. Kita berfokus pada transaksi pembelianperorangan, dan mengesampingkan tindakan bisnis kita yang lain. Kita membabi buta memperkenalkanmerek, mengupayakan layanan pelanggan, dukungan pelanggan, pengalaman konsumen, dan bahkan kualitasproduk. Sebesar 60 persen dari keputusan pembelian dibuat sebelum seorang pelanggan menghubungi Anda.
Buku ini merupakan panduan yang akan memudahkan anda untuk mengimplementasikan peningkatan kualitas berdasarkan ISO 9001: 2000. Dengannya Anda akan deperkaya dengan topik-topik penting seperti:- Memahami Sistem Manajemen kualitas ISO 9001: 2000- Persyaratan standar- Petunjuk untuk pendokumentasian- Petunjuk untuk peningkatan terus-menerus- Prinsip-prinsip manajemen kualitas.
Buku ini dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bahan ajar atau sebagai referensi dalam Mata Kuliah Pengantar Bisnis dengan harapan dapat memberikanInspirasi dan Motivasi bagi mahasiswa yang mau belajar tentang Dnia Bisnis yang sarat dengan perkembangan dan perubahannya. Disetiap bahasan dihadirkan contoh kasus yang relevan sehingga lebih aplikatif dan menarik.
"Strike hard, retreat, seize a position, reject compromise, and strike again." These are common negotiating tactics in a country with a long history of strategic philosophy. Drawing from the lessons of China's ancient military classic, Sun Tzu's The Art of War, Laurence J. Brahm applies these strategies to the foibles and successes of foreign and Chinese negotiators in China struggling to br…
Business as usual is over. Belief is the new currency and to succeed you must follow new purpose as the route to profit; mind share to gain market share. The best in business are defined by a singular cause, a defining ambition. They stand out as campaigners, activists fighting to lead industries and redefine them. And they win through with momentum, explosive growth that outruns the competitio…