Buku ini membahas macam-macam pemakaian perintah lanjutan yang akan melengkapi perintah-perintah yang telah diuraikan di AutoCAD 2-Dimensi Jilid 1.
This text explains the general principles of how wireless systems work, how mobility is supported, what is the underlying infrastructure and what interactions are needed among different functional components. Designed as a textbook appropriate for undergraduate or graduate courses in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Electrical and Computer Engineering, it focuses on qualitative des…
Make a smart career move and begin enjoying all the rewards of OCP Financial Applications Consultant certification! This Oracle-endorsed study guide offers a complete preparation system geared to help you pass your exams with flying colors! Bonus CD-ROM contains more than 300 interactive practice exam questions.
Query Mobile makes it easy for developers to add "native" mobile functionality to their sites and applications, delivering seamless experiences to customers using diverse mobile devices, all from a single code base. In this book, leading mobile expert Phil Dutson helps readers master the latest version of jQuery Mobile, even if they have no previous experience. In just 24 lessons of one hour or…
A practical, managerial-oriented approach that shows how IT is used in organizations to improve quality and productivity Case studies highlight new technology and applications, including fuzzy logic, neural computing, and hypermedia Contains a variety of cases that emphasize problems many corporations encounter Features international cases, illustrating how IT can be adapted to other cultures
Synopsis: You like to write diaries or simply to string up beautiful words. Writing a blog is a practice to be a real writer. Blog may contains information or just an expression of what one feels. Bloggers feel comfortable to write what they feel and share their valuable experience. What does the book offer? If you're bored with the monotonous nature of regular blog, this book will show you how…
Essential Code and Commands Python Phrasebook gives you the code phrases you need to quickly and effectively complete your programming projects in Python. Concise and Accessible Easy to carry and easy to use–lets you ditch all those bulky books for one portable guide Flexible and Functional Packed with more than 100 customizable code snippets–so you can readily code functiona…
Anda tertarik menggunakan Perl? Melalui pendekatan "belajar dengan mencoba" dengan dilengkapi ratusan skrip Perl, buku ini akan menuntun Anda mempelajarinya dengan cepat dan mudah. Tak hanya pada masalah yang mendasar, Anda juga diperkenal-kan pada cara membuat aplikasi Web berbasis CGI. Buku ini membahas: 1. Membuat skrip 2. Ekspresi dan Operator 3. Operasi Keluaran dan Masukan 4. Ekspre…
A textbook for beginners in security. In this new first edition, well-known author Behrouz Forouzan uses his accessible writing style and visual approach to simplify the difficult concepts of cryptography and network security. Forouzan presents difficult security topics from the ground up. A gentle introduction to the fundamentals of number theory is provided in the opening chapters, paving the…
Written by the lead developers of Analysis Services at Microsoft, this book begins with an overview showing how Analysis Services and MDX can be used to build data warehouses and multidimensional databases The authors then describe the development processes for building dimensions and cubes from various data sources Demonstrating a variety of techniques in real-world scenarios, the book shows…
The standard NetWare reference, updated to cover Release 4.1. It provides proficient NetWare users with current information on new technologies, NetWare features, and related Novell products. The included CD-ROM contains a Windows-based command reference for NetWare 2.2, 3.11, 3.12, and 4.1; plus online versions of four chapters from the second and third editions: installing NetWare servers, in…
This third edition of the best–selling Networking Complete is a one–of–a–kind computer book valuable for its broad content and its low price. This book contains updated coverage of the essential information you need to know about networking, both in the office and in the home. With Networking Complete, you′ll learn about designing, installing, maintaining, and administering networks …
tahukah anda, google juga mencari dokumen web berdasarkan variasi dari kata kunci? tahukah, kita bisa menemukan nomor telpon, alamat, bahkan peta tempat tinggal seseorang lewat google? dan, tahukah anda, google memberikan hasil yang berbeda kalau kita menggunakan dua tanda petik yang mengapit kata kunci.
For over 25 years, C. J. Dates An Introduction to Database Systems has been the authoritative resource for readers interested in gaining insight into and understanding of the principles of database systems. This exciting revision continues to provide a solid grounding in the foundations of database technology and to provide some ideas as to how the field is likely to develop in the future. The …
Dalam buku ini, dengan menggunakan software grafis CorelDraw, semua kaos distro yang pernah Anda lihat, bayangkan atau inginkan akan bisa dirancang secara mudah. Layaknya penyablon sejati Anda akan diajak "menyablon" kaos rancangan Anda menggunakan kuas digital yang lebih praktis. Hasil rancangan ini bukan saja Anda simpan sebagai rencana desain Anda, melainkan juga bisa dicetak langsung di kao…
Microsoft Visual Basic merupakan perangkat lunak populer yang setiap hari tetap dibicarakan, dipelajari, dan dipakai oleh pemakai sehingga populasi pemakainya semakin banyak dan meluas. Trend pembuatan program dengan memakai Visual Basic sekarang ke arah koneksi database dengan format yang berbeda. Melalui buku ini, Anda dapat mempelajari desain database dan koneksi database dengan format yang …
This guide provides quick information on the keywords, classes, and functions that Java programmers use on a daily basis, and arranged logically for best access. Information includes: examples of use; tips for best use; how to avoid pitfalls; and a comprehensive index for easy look-up access.
Pengguna komputer kini sangat banyak, dari mulai lingkungan kampus hingga perkantoran dan dari mulai kamar tidur hingga korporasi besar. Dengan banyaknya populasi komputer ini, muncul banyak masalah yang tentunya memerlukan jawaban dari mulai hulu (perakitan dan pemilihan komponen) hingga perawatan, upgrade dan perbaikan PC. Buku ini dibuat dengan mendasarkan diri pada masalah-masalah yang nyat…
Buku ini saya susun atas dua bagian. Yang pertama, membahas berbagai tips & trik seputar dunia networking yang tepatnya semacam koneksi jaringan secara langsung secara fisik seperti LAN. Berikutnya adalah tips & trik dalam dunia wireless. Memang, disini tips & trik yang saya berikan tidaklah sebanyak pada bagian networking, hal ini dikarenakan banyak tips & trik untuk networking bisa diterapkan…
Beberapa penggembar game bertanya-tanya cara membuat game yang sedang dimainkannya. Jika Anda ingin lebih memperluas wawasan, mampu memodifikasi tampilan game dan membuat game, maka buku ini bisa membantu Anda. Buku ini berisi listing beberapa program game dengan menggunakan JavaScript yang sederhana yang bisa Anda sisipkan pada website Anda sebagai sarana interaktifitas dengan pengunjung. Deng…