"What a powerful, very needed, and welcome sequel to A Social Change Model for Leadership Development Guidebook. It is a book for students, faculty, and everyone who engages in leadership for social change for a better world. It is an inspiring and liberating book in that it validates each one of us as we discover and practice the gifts we have been given." —Helen S. Astin, professor emerita …
Kenalin, gue Satry. Kata teman-teman, otak gue rata-rata beratnya 2 ons, jadi nggak pinter-pinter amat dan nggak bodoh-bodoh amat. Nggak heran kalo di sekolah nilai-nilai gue nggak pernah di atas rata-rata masuk 50 besar, malah nilai gue paling rangking terakhir dari 60 siswa di kelas. Bukannya nggak niat mau belajar, tapi gue paling alergi dengan kosakata apalagi itung-itungan. Otak gue cuma d…