Spoken interaction is impossible without prosody. Intonation, pitch register, tempo, rhythm, pausing, loudness and voice quality all contribute to the spontaneous negotiation process that is everyday talk. This highly accessible introduction to the prosody and analysis of everyday conversation explains basic concepts and methods of interpretation using a wealth of examples from real-life con…
The study of language in written texts and transcripts of speech is greatly helped by a student's abilityBB to identify and describe those prominent features of the grammar which make one variety of English different from another. A Course Book in English Grammar looks at many of the problems encountered by students and encourages them to find their own answers and to assess hypotheses about gr…
This accessible and lively introduction to semantics and the multi-faceted nature of language guides the student and non-specialist through the major ways in which the English language makes meaning. The author discusses the meaning of linguistic units at all levels of language, from sound to discourse, while studying also the role of theories and models themselves in helping us to understand h…
This basic introduction to Old English is an essential guide for students with little or no linguistic knowledge. Unlike other textbooks on the subject, Beginning Old English focuses on the explanation and demonstration of how the language works, using accessible illustrations from simplified Old English texts and showing how many features of present-day English have their roots in this stage o…
Semantics is the study of the literal meaning of words and the meaning of the way words are combined. This engaging introduction to formal semantics assumes no prior knowledge, providing a solid understanding of a range of semantic phenomena. Truly wide-ranging in coverage, no other introductory textbook discusses a comparable range of topics. Areas covered include: --a beginner's introduct…
What does it mean to acquire a language? What is considered a 'second' language in multilingual settings? This practical and comprehensive guide provides an opportunity to consider these issues, providing easy access to concise definitions of key terms and concepts in the study of Second Language Acquisition
Written by a team led by a world authority in English grammar, English Grammar for Today has established itself as a rich educational experience for both native- and non-native-speaking students. This engaging and stimulating coursebook enables students to learn grammar not just for its own sake, but also for the pleasure of exploring, appreciating and understanding the way language communicate…
Covering the entire history of generative phonology, from the Sound Pattern of English model to the Optimality Theory framework in use today, Phonology includes the latest developments in analytical and theoretical aspects of the subject. This fully revised and updated edition: - provides a phonetics revision chapter for students to refresh their knowledge of phonetics - includes brand new…
In this core textbook, Laurie Bauer’s engaging style brings linguistics to life and introduces readers to the fundamentals of the subject. Each essential area of linguistics is dealt with in turn, thereby providing readers with a clear and comprehensive overview of all the core topics, including semantics, syntax, phonology and pragmatics. Alongside definitions of key terms and explanation…
How do we interpret language and expose its meanings? How does pragmatics describe the English language? Where can we go to acquire a deeper understanding of pragmatics? Pragmatics and the English Language is a bold new textbook that presents an innovative and exciting way of looking at the subject. This new perspective, called integrative pragmatics, steers a course between what have histor…
Bahasa Inggris sangat perlu diperkenalkan sejak dini, sebab semakin awal peserta didik anak-anak diperkenalkan bahasa target, semakin cepat dan bagus pemerolehan bahasa mereka. Teori terkait menegaskan bahwa usia anak-anak antara 3 sampai dengan 12 tahun merupakan usia emas atau periode kritis (golden age or critical period) untuk belajar apa saja, karena otak mereka masih fleksibel untuk mener…
This book details a fairly traditional view of articulatory phonetics, and some related aspects of phonology. Our focus throughout is on English Phonetics, as English is the language of instruction, and the one with which all readers will therefore be familiar. Aspects of general phonetic theory are illustrated using examples from English, and supported by other languages where appropriate. We …
Penulisan buku ini dilatarbelakangi oleh sangat terbatasnya buku yang memberikan panduan teoretis maupun praktis, mengenai telaah terhadap fenomena psikolinguistik dan disiplin ilmu terkait. Cakupan buku ini sangat komprehensif dan rinci yang diperkaya dengan Landasan Filosofis Penelitian (Bab I), Hakikat Penelitian Kualitatif (Bab II), Hakikat, Rancangan dan Analisis Penelitian Kuantitatif (Ba…
Buku terampil bahasa indonesia ini, penulis mengajak pembaca untuk meningkatkan kesadaran nasioanal dan bangga berbahasa Indonesia serta menjelaskan cara mengungkapkan pikiran, baik secara lisan maupun tulisan. Tujuannya adalah agar kita dapat mencintai bahasa Indonesia dan terampil menulis karya ilmiah (artikel, makalah, skripsi, tesis, desertasi, dan buku) yang layak untuk dipresentasikan, di…
The Longman Academic Writing Series helps develop student writing from basic composition of sentences and paragraphs to academic essays and research papers. At each level, students are offered guidance in the complete writing process from prewriting to revision, and are provided with clear explanations, extensive practice, and consistent coverage of sentence mechanics and grammar.
Artikel-artikel dalam buku ini dapat dibagi ke dalam tiga kategori besar: pertama, analisis yang menggunakan semiotika untuk pengembangan disiplin ilmu pengetahuan; kedua, pembahasan yang menekankan upaya menyingkap ideologi atau makna legenda; dan, ketiga, pemaparan semiotika dalam kerangka mengungkap mekanisme iklan dan teknik pencitraan.
Buku ini menyaijikan topik-topik dasar yang dibutuhkan untuk dapat menulis dalam bahasa lnggris dengan baik dan benar. Terdapat lima topik besar yang disajikan, yaitu: Parts of Speech, Subject-Predicate, Simple Present Tense, Simple Past Tense dan Simple Future Tense. Buku ini juga menyediakan dua unit review yang berguna untuk mengukur pemahaman pembaca setelah membaca topik-topik yang disajik…
What are the exemplary qualities, practices, and actions that lead to high reading and writing achievement for all learners? Veteran teacher, leader, and author Regie Routman has written a practical and inspirational guidebook for today's K-12 educators. Whether you are an experienced teacher, principal, or coach, or are just starting out, you will find the 100 literacy and learning lessons an …