Irvan Permana adalah Brand Consultant ternama di Indonesia. Dalam Brand is Like a Donut, ia menjelaskan tentang seluk-beluk brand(ing), berikut dengan hal-hal yang terkait dengannya, secara ringkas dan sederhana sehingga mudah dipahami dan dipraktikkan.
During the last few decades, Indonesia has experienced unprecedented economic growth, resulting in shifts in more ways beyond income. The consumption of an ever wider range of products and services, and even the ways of consumption have changed over recent decades. Rather than providing a systematic statistical survey of consumption, this book aims to draw attention to the ways individuals i…
Kalau menurut Anda iklan, coba pikir lagi. Orang tidak mendengarkan iklan; mereka mendengarkan teman. Tapi kenapa orang bicara lebih banyak tentang produk dan gagasan tertentu dibanding yang lain? Kenapa sejumlah cerita dan rumor lebih tersebar? Dan apa yang menjadikan konten online mewabah? Jonah Berger mengungkapkan ilmu rahasia di balik getok tular dan transmisi sosial. Temukan enam pri…
The book is a good book to add the wealth of knowledge for corporate leaders, academicians, and the general public regarding the style of leadership, management strategies, and the challege and opprtunities in transforming SOEs in Indonesia into large companies, not only domestically but also playing a significant role in the world competitive market.