Buku Advanced Translation merupakan sebuah karya yang dipersembahkan untuk menambah khazanah wawasan tentang penerjemahan. Buku ini berisikan tentang teori-teori dasar penerjemahan yang dilengkapi dengan latihan-latihan sebagai upaya untuk me-review kembali materi yang telah dipelajari. Penerjemahan yang merupakan metode tertua dalam pembelajaran dinilai sangat relevan digunakan untuk memaha…
This major new work by Professor Newmark is a textbook and a handbook of translation for English and foreign students working alone or on courses at degree and post-graduate level. Part one consists of a comprehensive discussion of most subjects and problems that arise in translating: the process of translating, text analysis, translation methods, text as a translation unit, translation procedu…
This introductory textbook provides an accessible overview of the key contributions to translation theory. Jeremy Munday explores each theory chapter-by-chapter and tests the different approaches by applying them to texts. The texts discussed are taken from a broad range of languages – English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Punjabi, Portuguese and English translations are provided. A wid…