This volume contains contributions on important topics in current finance research. Topics include the impact of recent reform in corporate governance, the stock price reactions to the joint venture announcements, the temperature, and the financial signals, the pricing of SPARQs, the incentive effects in project finance with government financial guarantees, the option pricing models with price …
Peran Internal Audit dalam organisasi bisnis memang selalu dianggap penting, tetapi dalam praktiknya belum tentu benar-benar dianggap penting. Sudah cukup banyak buku tentang Internal Audit, lantas apa lagi yang mau ditawarkan oleh buku ini? Jawabnya singkat: Buku ini merupakan salah satu karya tulis buah pikiran orisinal para praktisi Internal Audit, bukan literatur audit yang ditulis oleh kal…
Dua pertanyaan penting yang sering kali ditanyakan tenaga penjualan adalah: “Bagaimana saya dapat menutup lebih banyak penjualan?” serta “Apa yang dapat saya lakukan untuk mengurangi penolakan?” Jawaban terhadap kedua pertanyaan tersebut adalah sama: Anda harus belajar untuk menjual dari sudut pandang konsumen. Pasar global, teknologi yang meningkat, beban informasi yang berlebihan, …
Resolving Moral Issues in Business. The ethical landscape of business is constantly changing, and the new edition of Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases has been revised to keep pace with those changes most effecting business: accelerating globalization, constant technological updates, proliferating of business scandals. Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases introduces the reader to the ethical c…
Business Driven Information Systems (also known as BDIS) discusses business initiatives first and then how technology supports those initiatives. The premise for this unique approach is that business initiatives drive technology decisions in a corporation. Every discussion first addresses the business needs and then addresses the technology that supports those needs. This text provides the foun…
Bloomberg Television's Sara Eisen sheds light on the complex global financial system through this illuminating collection of essays. She hand selected the crème de la crème of authors from the world's most prestigious academic institutions and esteemed professional organizations to share―for the first time in print―their observations and deductions on the topics that matter most to you an…
A classic since its publication in 1954, The Practice of Management was the first book to look at management as a whole and being a manager as a separate responsibility. The Practice of Management created the discipline of modern management practices. Readable, fundamental, and basic, it remains an essential book for students, aspiring managers, and seasoned professionals.
In this step by step guide, former Management Consultant and change management expert Theodore Panagacos walks you through the entire discipline of Business Process Management. Learn how to fast track your orgnaization's strategy to govern processes, create a process culture, and measure business performance. Best of all, this crystal-clear, convenient sized book can be put to work in your orga…
Paling tidak ada empat faktor yang membuat industri hulu migas berbeda dengan industri lainnya, antara lain: Pertama, lamanya waktu antara saat terjadinya pengeluaran (expenditure) dengan pendapatan (revenue). Kedua, keputusan yang dibuat berdasarkan risiko dan ketidakpastian tinggi serta melibatkan teknologi canggih. Ketiga, sektor ini memerlukan investasi biaya kapital yang relatif besar. Kee…