DAFTAR ISI PENDAHULUAN Apa itu ekonometrika? Mengapa ekonometrika menjadi sebuah disiplin ilmu tersendiri Metodologi ekonometrika Tipe-tipe ekonometrika Prasyarat matematika dan statistika Peran komputer Saran untuk bahan bacaan lebih lanjut BAGIAN 1 MODEL REGRESI SATU PERSAMAAN BAB 1 KONSEP DASAR ANALISIS REGRESI Asal mula istilah regresi InteKode : Stok reasi modern istilah regresi Hubungan s…
This is a thorough revision of the best-selling undergraduate Econometrics text.Accessible, complete, and student-oriented, Basic Econometrics is appropriate for first courses in Econometrics at all four-year colleges and universities.In addition to a first-rate text, students have access to the SHAZY student version of SHAZAM, an inexpensive version of a widely used econometrics package, as we…
Gujarati's "Basic Econometrics" provides an elementary but comprehensive introduction to econometrics without resorting to matrix algebra, calculus, or statistics beyond the elementary level. Because of the way the book is organized, it may be used at a variety of levels of rigor. For example, if matrix algebra is used, theoretical exercises may be omitted. A CD of data sets is provided with th…