To keep up with the advancement of technology and globalization in the 21t century, learning English as a second/foreign language is no longer confined to the traditional classroom setting. Language skills are not taught separately, grammar-based learning supports the meaning-making activities rather than becoming the main activity itself, and the success of language learning is measured by how…
Penerbit Andi Business English, Menguasai Bahasa Inggris Bisnis Secara Cepat Politeknik Dan Akuntansi with CD Buku Bahasa, Banyak orang beranggapan menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam konteks bisnis itu sangat sulit apalagi kalau berbicara secara langsung melalui telepone atau saat bertatap muka dengan orang asing. Buku Business English. Menguasai Bahasa Inggris Bisnis secara Cepat ini hadir untuk…
Logistic process is a process of delivering goods and storage of goods for customers which includesindustry costumer, production costumer (manufacture), institution costumer, distributor, retailer, and end – customer. The logistic process can run very well when the process begins with a good product packing process which meet the requirement as the delivery and storage process. Proper packagi…
Buku “Business English for Management and Entrepreneurship (for Beginner Level)” dibuat karena sulitnya mencari referensi buku ESP untuk pemula khusus prodi Manajemen dan Wirausaha. Buku Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk percakapan dalam dunia pekerjaan dan kewirausahaan jarang sekali dibuat dan diterbitkan bahkan hampir sulit ditemukan. Berdasarkan penelitian penulis sebelumnya, kebanyak…
English Language skills are the essential requirement in the hotel and tourism industry. English for Tourism is one of the subjects taught in English Department. This course is given to enable students not only understanding the language systems but also the awareness of how implementing it effectively and appropriately. Explorer; English for Tourism is a skill-based course book which focuse…
Change is the one constant in business, and we must adapt or face obsolescence. Yet certain challenges never go away. That's what makes this book "must read." These are the 10 seminal articles by management's most influential experts, on topics of perennial concern to ambitious managers and leaders hungry for inspiration--and ready to run with big ideas to accelerate their own and their compani…