Berkembangnya rekayasa sistem informasi di era industri 4.0 memang meyakinkan. Sistem informasi yang dahulu kala hanya bagi perusahaan dan usaha kecil menengah kini merambah ke individual. Ditambah dengan kemampuan kecerdasan buatan, integrasi berbagai sistem lain dan kapabilitas cloud computing membuat rekayasa sistem informasi masuk ke babak baru pengembangan tanpa batas, namun penuh tantanga…
"Classical and Object-Oriented Software Engineering, 7/E" presents an excellent introduction to software engineering fundamentals, covering both traditional and object-oriented techniques. The coverage of both Agile processes and Open Source Software has been considerably expanded. In addition, the Osbert Oglesby running case study has been replaced with a new case study on the Martha Stockton …
This text provides an introduction to the process of software engineering. The Universal Modeling Language (UML) has become an industry standard and now permeates this first edition. In this text, it is used for object-oriented analysis and design as well as when diagrams depict objects and their interrelationships. Design patterns, frameworks and software architecture have also become a popula…
Buku ini terdiri dari beberapa bab. Bab pertama membahas tentang numerals, bab dua tentang electrical circuit and electrical maintenance, bab tiga tentang telling process (how electrical machines work/how power plant works), bab empat tentang safety at work, bab lima tentang applying for a job, dan bab enam tentang presentation. Penguasaan bahasa Inggris dalam komunikasi lisan dan tulisan me…
Salah satu konsep dalam manajemen proyek konstruksi yang memiliki potensi keberhasilan cukup besar dalam mengendalikan biaya adalah rekayasa nilai (Value Engineering), yaitu suatu konsep yang sistematis dan terstruktur dalam melakukan analisis fungsi untuk mencapai nilai terbaik pada proyek konstruksi, dengan tujuan untuk mengurangi atau menghilangkan biaya-biaya yang tidak diperlukan. Konsep i…
nalyzing how hacks are done, so as to stop them in the future Reverse engineering is the process of analyzing hardware or software and understanding it, without having access to the source code or design documents. Hackers are able to reverse engineer systems and exploit what they find with scary results. Now the good guys can use the same tools to thwart these threats. Practical Reverse Engine…